Terms of Service
Sifity-Jewel can resize plain solitaire setting quickly, professionally, and affordably. Other settings are not resizable because it will cause easy losing gemstones.
Remounting or resetting refers to the process of placing fine gemstone into a new piece of jewelry. Over years of wear, the metal and prongs can become damaged putting your center stone at risk. Sometimes a repair is all that is needed, and in other cases resetting your stone into a new mounting is ideal for both safety and security. In addition, if you ever feel like your piece of jewelry is outdated here is your option to remake it into something new.
Rhodium plating
Rhodium plating is a metal deposition process used to coat materials with a decorative and protective layer of rhodium. Rhodium is a silver-white hard metal often found in platinum ores and it is the most expensive precious metal. This noble metal imparts an extremely bright and hard wearing finish when applied as plating. When applied as a thin plate, it affords a durable finish of exceptional brightness. Rhodium finishes can greatly enhance the appearance and longevity of any metal to which they are applied.
Sifity-Jewel offer professional cleaning and maintenance service with an affordable price.